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Miriam Gustafsson

Miriam Gustafsson

Miriam is R3's experienced art director with as much a penchant for austere idioms, symmetry, and black and white contrasts as moving shapes and abstract motifs.

From an early age, Miriam has been torn between writing and painting. Since both are creative areas that complement each other so well, she has never really been able to answer the question of what she really likes best. When it came time to choose an education, she reasoned her way to graphic design – a choice where she gets to express herself in color, form, and even language. A smart compromise.

When it comes to graphic style and design history, she returns to the Swiss-style that developed during the 1950s. She prefers typographical craftsmanship, working with lines, and the pursuit of simplicity. At the same time, the above is not something she’s bound to. Instead of limiting herself, she likes to move between color combinations in nature, shapes in interior design, and photographs with exciting angles. Everything can inspire, as long as it is creative and of high quality.

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