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Cookies -Designed Posters


About Cookies

This online store uses cookies under the Electronic Communications Act, July 25, 2003. A cookie is a type of text file that is stored on the computer and contains information for online stores to identify and follow users. Cookies are available as session cookies and also as cookies that are stored permanently on your computer. Your browser will receive a session cookie during your first visit to the online store. The session cookie is unique and is used to mix your user with other users. You should accept cookies in order to use the online store. You can always delete the cookies if you wish.

This online store uses cookies, among other things, to keep track of your settings, shopping cart, and previous page visits. This is done to provide you with a better customer experience and support.

This is how Designed Posters uses cookies.

The webshop is hosted by Jetshop. You can read more about how Jetshop handles cookies here. (swedish)

Google Analytics is used to analyze how our visitors use our website. You can read more about how Google uses data and personal data here.

We also use cookies for marketing purposes. We use Google and Facebook.

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